#22 On Lok Mun Street [1925-????]

Submitted by philk on Fri, 04/28/2023 - 17:08
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day & Month are approximate.)

This is the current address for the house that is featured in the image below. The plot is now occupied by the carpark for the "Fanling Industrial Centre". Wiki states this building was demolished in 2010, but historical Streetview images show this is not the case and it was already gone by 2009.

onloktsuen 1980 johnholmes
onloktsuen 1980 johnholmes, by John_Holmes_56

Translated from wiki:

Chui Siu-tsi, a returned overseas Chinese from America, purchased the land at #22 and constructed a Chinese-style bungalow. In 1969, a Chinese- and Western-style two-story building with a balcony was added.

In the 1950s, the wife and children of Zhu Zhixin (朱執信), a revolutionary hero of 1911, lived there but moved to Taiwan a few years later. Following their departure, Cao Wenxi (曹文锡), the eldest son of another revolutionary hero, Cao Abo (曹亞伯), moved in. Cao Wenxi came to Hong Kong after the war, and his wife was Du Yuesheng's (杜月笙 - Big Eared Du, the famous Shanghai gangster) daughter. 

Photos that show this Place