1-4 Carnarvon Villas - K. I. L. No. 412, Carnarvon Road [????-????]

Submitted by moddsey on Mon, 03/13/2023 - 16:50
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists

K. I. L. No. 412 was a large lot and comprised the following:

a) 1-4 Carnarvon Villas;

b) 9-13 Humphreys Avenue and

c) 30-36 Nathan Road


(1) 1913 Laws of Hong Kong, Volume 2 

(2) 1920 Kowloon map at https://gwulo.com/node/59197#20~22.29791~114.17285~Map_by_GovHK-Markers…

Note (1) An early reference of Carnarvon Villas on Carnarvon Road can be found at Rosenstock's Directory_of_China_and_Manila etc., for 1909

Note(2) Not sure when Carnarvon Villas expanded and included K. I. L. No. 1204 at the junction of Carnarvon Road, Humphreys Avenue and Cameron Road. See 1938 Street Index Page 224 or Image 400.

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