1-3 Canton Villas - K. I. L. No. 610 [1897-????]

Submitted by moddsey on Mon, 03/13/2023 - 09:43
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed

In the 1920s, the Kowloon Land and Building Company Ltd. owned Canton Villas. Mention is made at the 33rd Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 10 February 1922 of some negotiations made regarding the possible sale of the three houses comprising Canton Villas. However, these plans were not carried through to completion as the Company elected to postpone further schemes for redevelopment.


(1) Hong Kong Telegraph dated 10 February 1922 refers 

(2) 1920 Kowloon map at https://gwulo.com/node/59196#19~22.30165~114.17489~Map_by_GovHK-Markers-1920_Kowloon~100

An early reference of Canton Villas can be found in the Directory & Chronicle of China, Japan etc., for 1898

Photos that show this Place



Cannot explain the absence from the 1896 Map.

But the chap, H. Price also appears in the 1898 Jurors List as seen here residing at 5 Canton Villas. Nothing in the Jurors List for 1896. A quick browse, Google Books also provide the names of residents in Canton Villas from 1898 to 1902. 

Not sure if Canton Villas were subdivided into flats. 



Had a look at the following Annual Reports of the Kowloon Land and Building Co. Ltd:

1896 - The company planned to develop the vacant site to the east of Knutsford Terrace (which they also owned) and build three houses.

1897 - No mention of the progress or construction of the three houses.

1898 - Mention made that the three houses known as Canton Villas had been occupied during the preceding year. See here Page 2 of the Hong Kong Telegraph dated 28 January 1898 refers.

Completion date 1897. Construction may not have begun for inclusion in the 1896 map.