Current condition
Date completed
(Year is approximate.)
Position is approximate.
Built on RBL 40. RBL 40 was put up for auction on 22nd March 1886, subsequently postponed to 23rd March 1886 (Government Notifications 69 & 94/1886}. The Government required the buyer to build a substantial building within one year. I have been unable to confirm if the auction was successful, but have not come across any later auction of this plot. A house named Harford appeared in the 1888 Peak Directory, suggesting the building was constructed sometime between the auction and 1888.
1904. Included in the Peak renumbering exercise as No.148.
1914. Renumbered to become No.169 The Peak.
1924. Renumbered to become No.526 The Peak.
Number 525 in 1924
The 1938 street index lists the building as:
The labels for Harford and…
The labels for Harford and The Kennels are swapped on the 1909 map, and so are incorrect.