Hongkong Gymkhana Club [1904-1921]

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The club was formed in 1904 to "promote racing and amusements at the Happy Valley during the Off Season", and organise up to five races each year. In 1921 it was wound up and absorbed into the Jockey Club.

The formation of the club was noted on page 5 of The Hong Kong Telegraph, 1904-03-02:


At a meeting yesterday evening, it was decided, subject to the consent of the Jockey Club, to hold gymkhana meetings on the race course during the Off Season in Hongkong. Mr. J. H. Lewis presided over the gathering, which assembled at the offices of the P. & O. S. N. Co., and there were also present Messrs E. W. Mitchell, P. C. Potts. C P. Chater, J. A. Woodgates, J. R. Michael, Hart Buck, W. F. Clarke, G. H. Potts, D. Macdonald, F. H. Lyon, T. S. Forrest, G C C. Master, W. R. Robertson, N. H. Rutherford and E. V. D. Parr. Lieutenant Dowding, R.A. , and Mr. F.B. Deacon.

It was explained by the chairman that a Gymkhana Club existed in the Colony some years ago, and for two or three seasons excellent meetings were held during the summer months. At the present time, when there were more riders and the whole auspices were better, there was no reason why good sport and entertainment should not be provided for the general community of Hongkong.

In reply to Mr. Hart Buck, the chairman explained that the gymkhanas could only be carried out with the consent of the stewards.

On the motion of the chairman, seconded by Mr Godfrey Master, the following rules and regulations were passed:—

  • 1. The name of the Club shall be the "Hongkong Gymkhana Club."
  • 2. The objects of the Club are to promote racing and amusements at the Happy Valley during the Off Season.
  • 3. No person shall be a member of the club unless he is a member of the Hongkong Jockey Club.
  • 4. All members of the Hongkong Jockey Club shall be eligible for election without a ballot.
  • 5. The rules and regulations of the Hongkong Jockey Club shall mutatis mutandis be the rules and regulations of this club with such additional rules as may be hereafter drawn up and passed by the members.
  • 6. The annual subscription shall be $10.
  • 7. No person, unless he is a member of this club, shall be eligible to ride or run at any gymkhana meeting.
  • 8. No presentation prize shall be above the value of $50.
  • 9. The general management of the club and the management of all gymkhana meetings shall be in the hands of a committee consisting of the stewards of the Jockey Club as ex officio members and not less than five other persons who shall be elected annually by ballot.
  • 10. General meetings of the club shall be held once every month (at the Grand Stand subject to the permission of the Stewards of the Jockey Club) at which the programme for the next gymkhana meeting shall be submitted.
  • 11. The number of gymkhana meetings to be held each season shall not exceed five,

Mr, F. B. Deacon was appointed Hon. Sec. and Treasurer of the Club.

Mr. Hart Buck suggested that they write to the stewards of the Jockey Club asking them for the use of the course and enclosure.

The Chairman explained that this would be done in due course. It was understood that the holding of these gymkhanas was subject to the consent of the Jockey Club.

A vote of thanks to the chairman terminated the proceedings.

The winding up of the club was noted on page 4 of The Hong Kong Telegraph, 1921-03-14:


The following resolution was proposed and passed unanimously at, the Meeting of Members held on 2nd March.

“That the Hongkong Gymkhana Club be wound up and that the Hongkong Jockey Club take overall Assets and Liabilities of the Hongkong Gymkhana Club."

A Meeting of Members of the Hongkong Gymkhana Club will bo held at the office of the Jockey Club, in Hongkong Club Annexe, t 12.50 p.m. on Friday, March 8th for the purpose of confirming be above resolution.

Date organisation created
Date organisation closed
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