Dynasty Theatre / 豪華戲院 [1991-2019]

Submitted by Wombatt on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

Dynasty Theatre was in Mongkok district. It opened on 2nd February 1991 with 1,920 seats in two stadium seating auditoriums, and was once the largest cinema in Hong Kong. It closed on 30th November 2019.



Photos that show this Place



This was believed to be the last full sized cinema in HK before it closed down.

Back in the summer of 2016, wanting my son to experience the feeling of an old full sized cinema before they were all gone, after searching high and low, I stumbled upon this old gem and took him to watch Finding Dory one afternoon.

He apparently enjoyed the experience and commented, it's so big (the auditorium), but the seats (hard plastic on hard foam as opposed to soft cloth on soft foam of modern seats) are so uncomfortable!