Abandoned Holiday Resort "Club Captain Bear“, Tai She Wan [2006- ]

Submitted by SiliconDioxide on Fri, 09/09/2022 - 18:42
Current condition
Date completed
(Day & Month are approximate.)
Date closed / demolished
(Day & Month are approximate.)

Club Captain Bear Holiday Resort was probably the last failed attempt back in 2006 to revitalize an almost completely abandoned village in deep rural Sai Kung right under the High Island Reservoir.

Two two-story buildings were built, one should be the reception centre / main lodging hall while the other was a bar and restaurant. There was also a smaller activity shed with a rooftop pool on top.

The project was started in 2006 and failed within the year, mostly due to remoteness of the location -- it cannot be reached by car, on foot one could only rely on sparsely paved rural trails stemming from the main MacLehose Trail #1, and the only reliable transport was to take a boat (which was still a 30+ minutes journey, was ran by a private provider, and public service terminated once the interest in the resort project dried up)

Chinese description of the place's history written by Apple Daily 6/6/2015 (archived by wayback machine):

二○○六年,又有一個外籍人士向地主劉婆婆租屋搞熊仔頭度假中心,他看中這裏的寧靜的海色。大蛇灣是遊艇停泊地點,灣內有大蛇灣和蠄蟧灣兩個沙灘,很多人沿岸綑邊到水清沙幼的蠄蟧灣游水,水底下珊瑚覆蓋率雖達67%,但為硬珊瑚,色彩不夠艷麗,但因為內灣風平浪靜,吸引潛水人士來訓練。他翻新兩棟舊屋,還有一處廢泳池,是潛水訓練池,所以在池底放了珊瑚。熊仔頭已荒廢,到這個廢墟尋幽探秘,交通是個問題,最快是在西貢碼頭租快艇前往,船程約十五分鐘,想省錢也可乘的士前往北丫頂,經北丫村步行前往,約四十五分鐘。船快要靠岸時,遠遠已看到兩間黃色小屋,在它們短暫的生命裏,一棟為客房,設有十個房間,每間房間均有獨立廁所及浴室,另一棟為酒吧餐廳,可以容納百人,提供簡餐和飲料。英文消閒雜誌《Time Out》都介紹過,據說收費每晚600至750元,旅客需要預約,有專船從西貢碼頭接載。

Bar / Restaurant at Abandoned Holiday Resort "Club Captain Bear"
Bar / Restaurant at Abandoned Holiday Resort "Club Captain Bear", by SiliconDioxide
Activity Shed with Rooftop Pool at Abandoned Holiday Resort "Club Captain Bear"
Activity Shed with Rooftop Pool at Abandoned Holiday Resort "Club Captain Bear", by SiliconDioxide


One interesting tidbit was that animatronics and decorative statues from the famed Rainforest Restaurant was most likely acquired by the owner back when the restaurant went under, but after the resort project failed they were also left in-situ, slowly being covered by the vegetation.

Abandoned statues and animatronics
Abandoned statues and animatronics, by SiliconDioxide

Photos that show this Place



Thanks Paul. I wasn't sure when inputting the condition status as the site was fairly empty with basically just the building frame left when I was there. I changed it to "Ruin" instead.