Kowloon Godowns [c.1904-c.1920]

Submitted by Klaus on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)
Date closed / demolished
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)

Built on Kowloon Marine Lot 74. In about 1904, when the reclamation at Kowloon Point was finished, the Hong Kong & Kowloon Wharf & Godown Company built a twin-gabled godown on this lot.

Contrary to my original opinion these were not used as temporary terminus, The temporary terminus was further to the west near the old TST Post Office.

After the opening of the permanent station building, the godowns were demolished. Demolition date is unknown, possibly before the Peninsula Hotel was built (1920 is a guess). See this photo from 1927.

Photos that show this Place
