Block of four-story houses on Haiphong Road (originally Elgin Road) extending from Nathan to Hankow Roads (Lock Road didn't exist then), built on K.I.L. 3 and K.I.L. 401. Appears first on the 1904 map on, they were probably built around 1900.
The numbers of the houses run from 45 to 64, a total of 20 buildings (see Index of the streets, house numbers and lots of the city of Victoria ... in the colony of Hong Kong). Originally possibly used for European residents in the western part (see advert below for numbers 47-50), looks later that Chinese lived in these building, at least in the eastern houses which are shown on many photos.
On an aerial photograph from 1945, all houses still exist except nos. 45 and 46 which have been demolished. On the 1949 aerial photograph, additionally nos. 54 and 55 were demolished to make way for Lock Road. These remaining houses can be seen on a photo from 1953.
Houses nos. 43-47 still have four storeys while nos. 56-64 only have three storeys – war damage?
The remaining buildings were demolished likely in 1959, the new houses on these lots are Hai Phong Mansion and The Camphora, both opened in 1961.
1905 "To Let" Advertisement
Interesting to note this section of Chinese houses were in European style.
45-52 Elgin/Haiphong Road
Think this photo shows houses nos. 45-52 Elgin/Haiphong Road in the 1950s (starting at Hankow Road running to the east). Looks as if Chinese residents live there in the 1950s.