I have lost my car! 477 which I have been using not 4695 which is still safely tucked away in the S.D. Garage. But it is a nuisance - I had hoped to keep it until I had to go "in" to Stanley Internment Camp. I think now that I may go to Stanley on Thursday - day after tomorrow - I don't want to go but I think it will be my last chance to get transport and I do want to get my camp bed out there. I also have a mattress left by Pope but I will not take my vispring. I don't like leaving the Inspectors but I think they understand. The C.S. wants a van to go out on Thursday - after that petrol shortage will probably put a complete stoppage to all carriage of building things.
The news seems very good - we are still hearing a little and I always say this can only last 100 days at most and 1/3 have already passed. We must just hope on.
Cheero. Billie