30 Dec 1941, W J Carrie's wartime diary

Submitted by pxb09 on

I see I didn't write yesterday.  I was up at the house today - looters had been in but they couldn't get into the hot room - though there were marks on the door that they had tried to get in.  They got into my den however though I had one door locked - the other onto the verandah was blown in by the explosion - I had nailed it up but they soon burst it open.  They took a few things - very little - that I had left  in my dressing table drawers - then in my desk - the only thing I missed, and I'm sorry for, is my desk Ronson lighter that Win gave me - what was the [?pony] on that occasion - I forget.  Shipmaster I think.  Well we can just hope on.         Cheerio Darling.     B


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