Fenwick Pier (1st generation) [1929-c.1970]

Submitted by Klaus on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day & Month are approximate.)
Date closed / demolished
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)

The first Fenwick Pier was built in 1929 during the East Praya Reclamation. In the Public Works Report for 1929 is the following entry:

Public Pier ‘A’.—This pier is situated at the end of Fenwick Street. The decking, landing steps and fendering -were constructed during the year, thus completing the pier.

In the 1930 Report the pier is specified in more detail: 

The construction of two public piers in reinforced concrete, one of these piers is situated at the end of Fenwick Road, and is, built T shaped, it projects a distance of 41 feet 4 inches from the sea wall cope and provides at its outer face a berth of similar length; .....

The pier was demolished during the next phase of reclamation in 1970.

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