Ko Shing Theatre (1st generation) [c.1875-1927]

Submitted by Klaus on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)
Date closed / demolished
(Day is approximate.)

Little known about this theatre, it appears on a 1870's photo.

There it says: The western-style building, on the extreme left, is Ko Shing Theatre, popular at the time with patrons of Chinese opera.

Photos that show this Place



Greetings, and thanks Klaus for creating this place-page for the Ko Shing Theatre (1st generation).  And the 1870 photo, I can't believe the early water's edge was so far inland compared to that of today.  Information from the Cinema Treasures site - http://cinematreasures.org/theaters/19087 :

1. first generation building was built at an unknown date before 21st December 1878.

2. it was demolished in April 1927 for being an unsafe structure.

(The 8-year span is quite long, so this could be a case where the life-span of the building did not coincide with its operating period.)

3. the rebuilt theatre (2nd generation) operated during the period July 30, 1928 - March 16, 1972.

Second generation page -  https://gwulo.com/node/34666

Edit - September 28, 2018 - Ko Shing Theatre = 高陞戲院