68, Deep Water Bay Road [????-????]

Submitted by philk on Fri, 06/23/2017 - 15:31
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists

It was featured in the 1973 German film "Das Mädchen von Hongkong" (filmed at the end of 1972) and you can see some images of the pre-1978 version of the property at the following link: https://hkmacaufilmtvlocations.blogspot.com/2017/06/das-madchen-von-hon…


There are a number of photos on Gwulo showing No.68 Deep Water Bay Road in the distance. Possibly the clearest is this one, in which No.68 is the higher of the two houses at the extreme left of the pic.  

Deepwater Bay 1957
Deepwater Bay 1957 , by Herostratus

The photo also shows No.68's closest neighbours, being No.70 (directly below No.68), No.71 (to the right of No.68) and No.72 (elongated building between and slightly below No.'s 70 & 71).

From a different angle;

1968 12 HK DWB Golf Club (2)
1968 12 HK DWB Golf Club (2), by John + Judith Mackay

   The four buildings are seen on Shouson Hill with, from right to left, No.72, then No.68, then No.70 only partly visible in the trees above No.71.