Yiu Sing Theatre / 耀星戲院 [1972-1993]

Submitted by OldTimer on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

Seating capacity: about 500

Address: 78 Shek Yam Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong.  The streeet number is estimated by Google street view.  The site, next to a small park, is now occupied by shops at ground level and Wing On Seniors Care Centre (私營安老院) according to Google street view and the Wikipedia source.

The honourable cinema hall has been bestowed several titles in its life time. Operation started in the early 1970s through early 1980s as Kam Do Theatre (金都戲院), and it was the first cinema in the Kwai Chung District.  In 1988, it was renamed Lai Do Theatre (麗都戲院) and began showing adult movies (not so honourable).  Soon after, it was renamed again to Kwai Chung Theatre (葵涌戲院) and renamed one final time in January 1992 to Yiu Sing Theatre (耀星戲院). The theatre closed some time in 1993.  For the purpose of this page., the operating period is estimated to be from 1972 to mid 1993.

