Studio One - City Hall Theatre / 大會堂戲院 [1962-1995]

Submitted by OldTimer on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

Seating capacity: 470

Address: Hong Kong City Hall, Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong

A reseach carried out by Cinema Treasures provides this information: Studio One was a film club organized by westerners living in the British Colony of Hong Kong in the early 1960s.  Studio One was officially registered as a limited company on March 2, 1962, the same day the second and current generation city hall was officially opened.  Its main showing venue was the City Hall Theatre, with alternative venues at the Hong Kong Arts Centre Shouson Theatre and the Auditorium of the French International School at Jardine's Lookout also in Hong Kong Island.

Theatre attendance began to fall with the advancement in high techs such as video tapes and laser discs, CDs and DVDs.  The theatre was closed some time in the 1990s.  For the purpose of this page, the closing date is estimated to be 1995.

