Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)
In 1904 the government granted 373,900 square feet of land for a Naval Infectious Disease Hospital on Mount Parish for a nominal sum
Source (No 2)
Though Royal Navy bought Parish hill in 1905, it remained vacant until 1931 when the Naval Infectious Disease Hospital was built. It was severely damaged during the war and abandoned after the war. There was a news report that there were squatter huts there. Government moved them to North Point in 1948. Wah Yan college moved there in 1955. This picture shows that it was still standing after 1949. Therefore date of demolition is between 1949 and 1955.……
A picture in the 1920s seems to indicate the hospital on Parish hill in the 1930s was not yet built:
Another 1920s picture can be found here on Gwulo:
Initial construction
The 1909 map already shows buildings on the site, so it looks to have been built between 1904 and 1905: