Moonlight Movies / 月下戲院 [2007-2009]

Submitted by OldTimer on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

Seating capacity: advertised 200, actual number may vary.

Address: The Podium, Cyberport 2, 100 Cyberport Road, Cyberport, Pokfulam, Hong Kong

​It is not a no misspell, Moonlight Movies is the actual name.  My internet search has not been able to find its Chinese name.  If indeed, there was one, it could be 月下 because it conveys an event or occasion happening under moonlight, or a romantic atmosphere.

​Moonlight Movies was Hong Kong's first seasonal outdoor cinema, but instead of going to a outdoor cinema in your car (Drive-In: ), you bring along a chair if they run out of chairs - actualy specially made beanbags for casual seating on a grassy podium.

Moonlight Movies operators made good use of the internet to advertise, some of which can still be found (see sources below).  The reader comments include its humongous 6.8 metres by 9 metres LED screen, on site food and bar service.  Shows began at 8 pm, door (if any) opens at 7, and seats first-come first-served.  Due to the bar and films being shown, entry was restricted to 18+ only.  (I cannot visualize from looking at the photos that it measures 6.8 m x 9 m.) 

In October 2009, the price for a ticket was $200 HK not including food and drinks, aren't cheap one writer wrote.  But he also said the atmosphere and setting make it worth the extra expense.  My thinking is that  this venue is where one meet new friends, or find his/her future spouse under moonlight.

Moonlight Movies operated from October 2007 through November 2009, with some temporarily suspensions in between.

