Luna Park Cinema / 月園戲院 [1950-1954]

Submitted by OldTimer on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

Seating capacity: unknown.

Address:  Luna Park, North Point Road, Hong Kong.  Please note the park is no longer in existance due to housing development after the park was closed.  The park's area corresponds to the area centering around the present Yuet Yuen Street in North Point.  The Gwulo page about the park is at:…

There are several internet sites giving essentially similar but interesting discussion on the origin of Luna Park.  Its construction took six months in 1949 employing up to 1,000 workers during the first three months and about 2,000 the last three months.  (Not sure if they worked more than five days a week).  In November 1952, Luna Park was renamed Great World Amusement Park after a change in ownership.

In the Wikipedia discussion, it lists two theatres operating in the park - 天仙大戲院 and 天蟾電影院.  Perhaps one of them was later renamed Luna Park, or was Luna Park Cinema the third cinema but operating outside the park?  More information is needed to solve this mystery. 

Luna Park was officially opened on December 22, 1949, and closed on July 27, 1954 to make way for housing deveopment. Luna Park Cinema operated during the period September 30, 1950 - June 16, 1954.  Such a vast investment to built the park, only to fold five years later; this reflects the high pressure of housing development on green space and amusement parks.



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