China Fleet Club Theatre / 中國艦隊會所 [1933-1992]

Submitted by OldTimer on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

Seating capacity: 500

Address:  Gloucester Road and Arsenal St intersection, southeast corner and on north side of Jaffe Road.

Cinema Treasures has an fairly in-depth discussion on the theatre (see source below).  The China Fleet Club is a club looking after the needs of the Men of the Fleet in Hong Kong.  Its theatre opened on December 27, 1933.  The building was rebuilt in the early 1980s, renamed the Fleet House, and officially opened on May 3, 1985.  The last event held in the auditorium was on November 29, 1992, the date  assumed to be its closing date for the purpose of this page.

Note: 海軍俱樂部 is another Chinese name I found in another literature, not sure which one is official.



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