Alexandra Cinematograph / 亞歷山德拉電影放映機 [1908-1909]

Submitted by OldTimer on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

Seating capacity: not available.

Address:  2 Zetland Street, Central, Hong Kong.  A part of the Zetland Street has been built over; the theatre was likely located on the site curretly occupied by Pacific House.

The Chinese name shown here is obtained using Google translation, and selected for its wording likely used at the time.

The theatre's original name was Alexandra Cinema Theatre and it opened to business on July 17, 1908.   It was renamed Alexandra Cinematograph some time in early 1909, and closed some time in the second half of 1909.  For the purose of this page, the closing date is estimated to be October 1909.

This was one of the earliest theatres and operated for a very short period.

