Ying King Theatre / 英京戲院 [1960-1977]

Submitted by OldTimer on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

Seating capacity: 1,571

Address: 9 Fir Street / 33 Larch Street, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.  As did some theatres located on street corners, the theatre had two addresses which Google places at slightly different spots.  The theatre was located on the southwest corner of Fir - Larch intersection and its current occupant is Lever Building 麗華大廈.

Ying King Theatre operated during the period October 23, 1960 - September 1, 1977.  It was closed for two months in the summer of 1970 for renovation. 

One reader shares the memories of his childhood years ("Taste of Life" listed below) which are worth repeating here so we can get a glimpse into the past.   To help in his father's business, the boy carved a figure of a coffin on wooden business cards and delivered them to funeral homes in Mong Kok and Tai Kok Tsui.  In stead of taking a bus home using his father's change-money and delivery tips, he walked home and spent them on different local eateries.  The boy grew up to become a food-and-dining writer.



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