Universal Theatre / 民樂戲院 [1967-1995]

Submitted by OldTimer on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

Seating capacity: 1,131

Address: 50A, Bowring Street, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.  While this may be the official address, please note that Google Maps places the theatre at the southwest corner of Bowring-Shanghai intersection.  Fortunately, other references in the sources listed below, particularly the two photos in flickr.com, confirm the true location on the southeast corner of Bowring-Kwun Chung intersection.

Universal Theatre operated during the period January 1, 1967 - March 4, 1992.  After its closing, a mini theatre called New Universal 新民樂戲院 ​with seating capacity of 151 operated from June 1993 to February 1995; and this is considered part of the total operating period.




Photos that show this Place
