Sun Sing Theatre (Shatin) / 新聲戲院 [1985-1999]

Submitted by OldTimer on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

Sun Sing Theatre and Acme Theatre shared the same address, both had almost identical seating capaciy and operating period.   A Google street walk shows the two opposite ends of the same city block have a theatrical-facade look, so they were two separate theatres.  The place-page for Acme Theatre can be found here:

Sun Sing seating capacity: 767 (source: HKTA)

Address:  7 Lek Yuen Street, Shatin Fun City, Shatin, Hong Kong.  The building remains standing today and its occupants include shops, restaurant and a church.

Sun Sing Theatre operated during the period April 11, 1985 - January 1, 1999.



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