Kau Yu Fong Theatre / 九如坊戲院 [1911-1949]

Submitted by OldTimer on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

Information on seating capacity is not available from internet search thus far.  Based on information from the sources listed below, Kau Yue Fong Theatre was located on the site currently the Central District Health Centre General Out-Patient Clinic: 1 Kau U Fong, Central, Hong Kong.

Kau Yue Fong Theatre operated during the period September 26, 1911 - August 1, 1949.

Edit, May 3, 2017:  The theatre's Chinese name, 九如坊戲院, is obtained from the sources listed below.  Thanks to the comments by reader breskvar, I am made aware of a new book published  recently (2015).  In its table of contents, the author listed the name as 九如坊新戲院 (the word "new" added).  In the visit recalled by one film critic - reporter, a reference to the "new" theatre was also made.  It is possible that a significant event occurred earlier - perhaps a rebuilt. renovation, change in ownership, or equipment upgrade.  It is possible that the "new" was in the original name but it fell by the wayside as time passed by and people decided to keep it simple, like the word "大" (Big) in Broadway (Mong Kok) Theatre.  I consider both names valid for the purpose of this page.


