Kam Kwok Theatre / 金國戲院 [1966-1971]

Submitted by OldTimer on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

Seating capacity: 1,200

Address: 6 Heng Lam Street, Lok Fu, Kowloon, Hong Kong.  Kam Kwok Building is the current occupant at the site.

Kam Kwok Theatre operated during the period January 20, 1966 - November 29, 1971.



Photos that show this Place



1966 photo of the Kam Kwok Theatre at 2 Heng Nam rd. 



The 1966 movie "The Golden Gun 金手槍" was showing.


1966 lok fu kam kok theater, by simtang

 The movie was showing end of 1966 to beginning of 1967. A 1967 newspaper advertisement confirmed Kam Kwok theatre was showing the movie:

1967 golden gun adv, by simtang

 According to hkmemory.hk, the address was rather  4639 section of Junction road九龍橫頭磡聯合道4639地段 whatever that means. But the 1971 map seems showing the theatre at the south-east corner at the junction road-Heng Lam road junction. And the building on the left side of the above picture looks like a block of the Lo Fu Ngam Resettlement Area assuming the theatre was facing the junction road.

1971 kam kwok theatre location, by simtang

A 1970s picture showing the same area with the bus stop in front. bus 103 was going to Pokfield Rd . The Lo Fu Ngam Resettlement on the left side. There was a second floor kindergarden called ai wah kindergarden or 愛華幼稚園 at 176 junction road. The google map still show that kindergarden which has since closed down.


1970s lok fu bus terminus, by simtang