Good World Theatre / 好世界戲院 [1940-1972]

Submitted by OldTimer on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

Seating capacity 1082.  Address: 199 Tong Mi Road, Kowloon.

Good World Theatre operated during the period February 1940 - November 1972 except for a brief period during the war.  The site is now occupied by residential and shopping developments.  It showed Chinese and English movies at low price.  In the 1950s it was a place to watch Wong/Huang Fei-hung movies, and western movies at 5:30 pm cost 20 cents a ticket.




Photos that show this Place



Greetings, just to add ...

Those of us who watched Western movies in Hong Kong in the 1950s may remember this.  Just before the lights went out, an operator carried a small box containing small glass plates.  He walked to one side of the seating area half way back from the screen and climbed up a ladder about 12 feet high to a small cage equipped with a chair and a small projector.  During the movie, he would project a series of one-liner captions to the bottom of the screen describing what is happening, not dialogue which would have been too fast for the operator and for us reviewers.  Each caption stayed on about 1/4 or 1/2 minute.  That helped a lot, before we started to learn English.  The good old days.  Regards, Peter