London Missionary Society Chapel and Nethersole Dispensary [c.1862-c.1895]

Submitted by Herostratus on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)
Date closed / demolished
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)

The original site of the Nethersole Dispensary is located inside Blake Garden, near the exit to Upper Station Street. It occupied the ground floor of the Taipingshan Chapel of the London Missionary Society at 2 Station Street (now Po Yee Street). 

The medical dispensary was started in 1881 by Dr William Young, a private practitioner, who wanted to introduce the benefits of Western medicine to the Chinese. Dr Young provided his services free, two mornings a week, with the cost of the medicines being met by Mr HW Davis, a businessman, who named the Nethersole Dispensary after the maiden name of his mother. Contrary to expectations that the Chinese would not seek the help of Western medical practitioners, the dispensary became extremely popular and led to the building of a hospital for poorer Chinese offering Western medical care, Alice Memorial Hospital, named after the late wife of Dr Ho Kai who provided funds for the hospital on condition that it was put under the management of London Missionary Society. 

The chapel was demolished shortly after resumption of Taipingshan after the plague and the site is now part of Blake Garden.

Source here

Construction date based on first school held here in 1862 may be earlier as the London Missionary Society started operating in HK in 1843.


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