Government Pavilions [1910-????]

Submitted by annelisec on
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The old wooden pavilions were demolished in 1910

Source PWD report 1910 (No 82)


90. Rebuilding Government Pavilions (two).—The erection of two semi-detached bungalows on the site formerly occupied by the old wooden pavilions, Mount. Kellett Road, which was begun in 1910, was completed in June. Each house contains a dining room with ante-room opening from some, 3 bedrooms, enclosed verandahs, kitchen, pantry, drying room and 3 bathrooms : there are also the necessary servants’ quarters and an enclosed yard.


The walls are built of Canton red brick in lime mortar, plastered internally. The floors of the rooms are of 1&1/4” hardwood on China fir poles: beneath the ground floor of the main buildings is a space for ventilation, the ground surface of same being covererd with 3” of lime and cement concrete.


The roofs are of double pan and roll tiling on China fir purlins and battens supported on hardwood trusses.


The building is lighted throughout with gas, the fittings and piping taken down from the old buildings being utilized as for as possible.


A portion of the surrounding area has been turfed and concreted paths have been provided whilst railings and an ornamental wrought iron fence and dwarf wall were constructed along a portion of the front.


1911 Estimates, $16,000.00     Total Estimates, ...$31,000.00

1911 Expenditure, 15,224.35     Expenditure to 31/12/11,  27,624.35


Source: PWD Report 1911 (No 90)