The departure of Mr. H. Green, on leave prior to retirement, removes from the post of Superintendent, [of the Forestry Department], an officer who has spent 27 years in the department. Mr. Green arrived in the Colony and assumed the duties of Assistant Superintendent on 16.3.11. From 15.3.1917 to 26.1.1920, he was seconded for Military Service, during which period he saw active service in France. On 6.4.20, he was promoted to the post of Superintendent which post he held until his recent departure. During Mr. Green’s period of service the Department has expanded in many directions and as Superintendent, he has devoted a great deal of time to the production and preservation of the forests of the Colony and these, in themselves, are tribute to his energy and foresight. The duties of the post he held were very numerous and calls on his time very great, but through them all he has steered a clear course towards the aim of building up the forest resources of the Colony and in making the department as useful as possible. It is not possible here, to record all the excellent work which has been carried out during his tenure of office, embracing as it does the botanical, agricultural and horticultural activities of the department, all of which have had much time and attention bestowed upon them. The members of the staff wish Mr. and Mrs. Green many years of happiness in their retirement."
[Mr Harold Green left on leave prior to retirement on 24.7.37]
Copied from Hong Kong Government Reports