Swimming canal

Tue, 09/23/2014 - 07:50

This photo I believe was taken close to the others I've posted showing the smimming canal, tennis, etc. The ages and dress of the family is very close as are the thatched huts which leads me to think the pictures were taken close together. My family lived in Kowloon, at Humphreys Road and my grandfather was said to have owned some farm type property where events may have been held. While he did have interests in Malaya, I still think that this group of photos was from somewhere close to where they lived. I appreciate everyone's help very much as I am trying to put together a history with little to go on and nobody left alive in my family who can shed light. I am piecing it together from memotry of stories told to me by my mother and aunt over many years.

Thanks eveyone...really!

Date picture taken


Seemex - I'm not completely au fait with how the HK land registery holds its records, but perhaps if you contact them with your grandfather's name, it's possible his name is on the lease of the land he held and they would be able to query their database to identify any land plots he leased?

That's an excellent idea! I wonder if they have those records still. That could open some door for me in a big way.

 I recently found our family home in Shanghai on Google Earth...even though there's no street view. A photographer from Japan had taken a few photos and posted them on the Panoramio with an icon on Google. I never imagined it would still be there, but it was and the photo he'd taken was almost the exact same angle of view that I had in my photo from 1930