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Submitted by 1314 on Fri, 06/21/2013 - 00:05

 That in 1900 LegCo noted that the community of Hong Kong had raised some HKD153,000 - as relief for soldiers and sailors engaged in the Boer War. In a demonstration of Imperial largesse the Council voted the sum of HKD50,000 to the same cause.From Public Funds of course.

I recall after the Falklands War, Legco had voted to provide funds to the Home Government for Hong Kong's contribution to the conflict. Precedence in providing relief funds was cited. 

That in May 1917 LegCo published lists of those who had left Hong Kong to serve in The Great War. Named were 45 Civil Servants,59 Police Officers and General List of 264 other HK residents.In addition there were 66 men,not ordinarily resident in the Colony who had travelled there to enlist and had been accepted as fit by the Military Authorites,some of whom were given free passages to England.