Submitted by anonymous-01 on Mon, 04/01/2013 - 22:12

Hi Tung,

Fascinating reply. I am very grateful for your interest. I will post some pictures separately which may be of interest to you and others.



Around the mid-1920s the incidents in Canton triggered an interest for some missionaries in China seeking Cheung Chau as a temporary refuge .

 In 1926 one of the missionaries Miss Ruth Hitchcock brought a house there as a birthday gift from her parents. (Her mission work was mostly in rural region west of Canton.)  In the 50s and 60s I had chances to visit the house .And  I roamed around the south-east area and knew about those houses and the styles. But  for the rest, too hard to identify their locations without proper background elements. I need more clues.

it's fun



I'm afraid that I don't have any more clues to give you Tung. The picture of the missionary bungalow is as near as I can get. All the other family pictures I have come across so far show my great aunt and uncle either on the beach or on the steps of the bungalow - as you see - or swimming. I have no other panoramic views.

Just one thing regarding the missionaries. My great grandmother, who was named Ching Ah Fung, was baptised in 1891 by a Rev Ost of the London Missionary Society in the Stag Hotel. Also my grandfather had as a wedding present a bible from Thomas W. Pearce of the same Society. I have the letter that went with the gift and bible still. I suppose this may point to some relationship with the London Missionary Society. The gift of the bible was made on 1.10.06 according to the letter.

As you say it is all fun!

Again thanks.  Sean