Pillbox 124, Tung Yeung Shan [1937- ]

Submitted by Rob on Tue, 12/18/2012 - 21:47
Current condition
Date completed

Year completed is: Approximate
Condition at last visit: Ruin
Date of last visit: Feb-1992
Ref: ROB-00524

Photos that show this Place



I would recommend you to follow Wilson Trail stage 4 starting from Tai Lam Wu Road going up to Tung Yeung Shan. At about 260m, you can turn right and go down a bit to find PB123.

After that back to Wilson Trail and keep going up to about 280m, there is another ribbon trail on your right hand side. This is a horizontal trail along the east side of Tung Yeung Shan. Follow the trail but becareful there is a wasp nest inside a tree after you go forward for about 160m.

After ducking the wasp nest, keep moving forward for about 300m, you will see another ribbon trail on your right hand side heading downward, just follow the trail and eventually you will reach PB124 at a height of 283m.

I have moved the position on the map to the revised co-ordinates. Thanks.