Smuggled in and out of Stanley

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The following excerpts come from this six-page typed report made by "F. W. Wright, Customs Officer" after he escaped from Stanley Camp. The excerpts have kindly been transcribed by Amelia Allsop of the Hong Kong Heritage Project (HKHP).

The original document is part of the Elizabeth Ride Collection, now housed in The HKHP Archive. For more information on this collection, please contact HKHP via their website: 

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Sample pages

((Not sure of the date he arrived at Stanley. Likely early February, 1942))

On arriving at Stanley, after having been smuggled in, Miss Cholmeley ((sic.)) and Moss were there with open arms and had fixed up a bed space for me in their flat, so all was well. Whilst in Stanley I made myself useful repairing shoes, making drinking mugs from tins, and helping the old and feeble who could not help themselves. Was doing…

Then on the 16 March 1942 Miss Cholmeley ((sic.)) who was lying in the camp quarters asked me whether I was still thinking of making a break. I told her I would if there was a chance. She then introduced me to Epstein and Van Ess.

After having a chat, I was informed that they were preparing for a get-away and that they had found a small boat near the beach and had made an oar from one of the doors,…

On the 17th we still talked our plans over and thought it better to hang on for a bit for a better wind.