West Bay AA Battery, Chung Hom Kok [c.1940-c.1970]

Submitted by Rob on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Year is approximate.)
Date closed / demolished
(Year is approximate.)

Year completed is: Accurate

Condition at last visit: Demolished

Date of last visit: Nov-2014

Ref: ROB-00170



  • 1940: Constructed as a 4.5" HAA Bty, although these guns were never supplied.  (WO 106/2379).
  • 1941: Armament: 2 x 3" 20 cwt AA guns.  (WO 172/1687).
  • 1941: In action against airborne targets during December. Guns withdrawn to Stanley Fort before being captured at the surrender 25th/26th December.  (WO 172/1687).
  • 1970: Site remained intact until housing development works removed all except some shelters.  (HK Lands Dept. Maps and Aerial Photographs).
  • 2014: Some shelters still in use as a commercial site.

For a background to these notes, and a glossary of terms used, please see: http://gwulo.com/node/24630