List of people

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Alias / nickname Given Family Sort descending Maiden DoB DoD Sex
Jack Aitchison Thomas Male
Edward Cairns Thomas Male
Madeline May Thomas Clark Female
BAAG No. 44 / BAAG No. 74 (?) / 譚藹勵 Osler Lister Thomas Male
Alun Lloyd Thomas Male
Elizabeth Jean Thomas MacDonald Female
Robert Thompson Male
G E F Thompson Male
Martha Elizabeth Thompson Female
L O Thompson Male
Kathleen Thompson Female
Tommy Walter Philip Thompson Male
William Mitchell Thomson Male
Peter Thomson Male
Samara Mavis Thomson Hamson Female
Avis Powlis Thomson Unknown
C R W Thomson Male
James Downie Thomson Male
James Milne Thomson Male
Tommy Walter Morris Thomson Male
John Thomson Male
Pat Thoresen Female
Kristine Thoresen da Silva Thoresen Female
Florence Eva Thornhill Female
Bernard P Thorpe Male