List of people

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Alias / nickname Given Family Sort descending Maiden DoB DoD Sex
Harry Alan Taylor Male
Robert Taylor Male
Skip John Douglas Taylor Male
Douglas Haig Taylor Male
Alexander Keith Taylor Male
Henry Jemson Tebbutt Male
Betty Elizabeth Ada Tebbutt / McCaffery Hindmarsh Female
Edmund Brinsley Teesdale Male
Jean Edouard Ternel Male
Bert Herbert Ramsay Terrett Male
Charles Edward Michael Terry Male
P Tester Male
C C Thirlwell Female
W M M M Thirlwell Female
James Thomas Thirlwell Male
Elizabeth Dora Frances Thirlwell Wilkinson Female
Michael Thirlwell Male
Mavis Frances Thirlwell Female
Charles Beatty Allenby Haig Thirlwell Male
D F Thirlwell Female
Mildred Margaret Thirlwell Female
John Robert Thirlwell Male
Robert Edmund Thirlwell Male
Jack Aitchison Thomas Male
Alun Lloyd Thomas Male