List of people

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Alias / nickname Given Family Sort descending Maiden DoB DoD Sex
Beryl June Smith Booker Female
Annie Florence Smith Wilson Female
Marjory Janet Smith / Grant Smith MacEwen Female
Faith Mary Snuggs Female
Biu So Male
Alfredo Francisco de Jesus Soares Male
Ginger Soares Male
Fernando Maria de Lourdes Soares Male
Frank Francisco Maria Soares Male
Charlie Carlos Maria Salette Collaco Soares Male
Adao Maria de Lourdes Soares Male
Zed Zygmund Soldinski Male
Hilmar Florenz Sommers Male
Edwin George William Sait Newman son of Mary Ann Warner Sait Newman & Edwin Sait Male
??? Song Female
Madame Sun Yat-sen Ching-ling Soong Soong Female
Sophie Sopher Hardoon Female
A Soutar Male
Addison Southard Male
Robert Grindley Southerton Male
Edith Ethel Southerton Witchell Female
Thomas Southorn Male
Melvin Leonard Southwick Male
Rose Souza White Female
Souza White Female