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Tom Hutchinson's War Diary - Page 54


21/10/44 - 50¢ ((Catties)) Rice from Lim (11-00)
22/10/44 - Our Electric Wires Stolen again.
                - Lim called - Can get Sticky Rice from Jeng
                - 2 Haircuts   3-00
24/10/44 - Drew ((Catties)) Lor-Mai from Lim

Supporting information:

As 1944 drags on, it gets harder and harder to tolerate the foibles of the other internees.

George Wright-Nooth writes in his diary:

The Fomosan guard...offered cigarettes for sale at MY30 ((thirty Japanese Military Yuan)) a packet...there were some raving idiots who bought them but, foolish as this is, it is better than the bare-faced degraded begging - it makes me sick to see it - of cigarettes from the guards. It is always the same people who do it; they are like a lot of Chinese beggars with outstretched, clutching hands. The guards, rightly so, treat them with contempt and when they have grovelled enough they may get a cigarette among four or five.


George Wright-Nooth, Prisoner of he Turnip Heads, 1994, 191

HK News claim 6 planes brought down. ((“x” links this to the report of the big air raid on the 16th.))

Fine, warm, NE wind.

Cookhouse construction & woodchopping.

Jap plane activity all day.

Lorry arrived with veg 3.45pm.

Their paper cracks up their Taiwan “victory”. Canton & Swatow raided 17th. Manila & Taiwan heavily raided, both at same time from same task force 17th. 6 planes supposed to have been brought down from our raiders on Monday. Aberdeen 200 junks sunk & damaged. HK 7000 killed.

Formosan guard reckon on leaving HK next month. Japs shipping arms & ammo back to Japan.

With Steve pm.

Mary lent me Y20 & gave me 7 cigs.

New Moon.