Diary pages from this date

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Two families of the Dutch bankers interned about a year ago get into a fight over space allocation in their room. One of the men will be summoned before the camp court on May 25 and accused of punching the other repeatedly in the face. But there are counter-claims of assault and the court's judgement has not been preserved.


Hong Kong PRO, HKRS163-1-303

X Only direct trading with camp guards &/or China Supervisors: ((shorthand)) - HEC is withheld"


Some plane activity.

Meetings am & pm re letters of apology for trading. People concerned much concerned as to what to do about it. Gimson wrote pm to Hattori explaining all details & apologizing for the whole. Developments awaited.

Rec. oil, tea, sugar, & curry powder.

Repaired grinder.

Steve to practice pm.

Pui cha [? cup tea in phonetic Cantonese?] before 8pm.

Ground rice for congee.

Roll-call 2pm

(Rome fallen?)