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((Following text not dated:))

To town for Eurasian flour. Only 14 days' ration. At end of serving discover bag has hole. 2 lbs short. Fox is last and suffers. ((Possibly Kitty Fox?)) Offer recompense for half not available but they say understand, we work for nothing so they forego. Good sports. Meeting. Decide since no more flour and only Y80 left we discontinue activities. All committee resign.

Overcast, dry, cold.

Ground rice for bread.

Raymds ((sic.)) somewhat put out re my refusal to be their servant. ((I guess this refers to one of the couples surnamed Raymond who were in camp, either Albert & Ritchie, or Edward & Emma.))

With Steve pm.  

Rumour re total repat. in 17 days time.

Paper news lousy.