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Franklin Gimson notes in his diary that he considers the British Communal Council 'a subversive organisation'.

He also mentions disapprovingly a discussion of post-war Hong Kong in which the members disregarded the interests of labour and considered only those of employers.

Although Gimson considers the B.C.C. a 'revolutionary body' (diary entry of Friday, June 25) Camp politics aren't about a simple clash between 'left' and 'right'.


Franklin Gimson, Internment in Hong-Kong March 1942 to August 1945,typescript held at Rhodes House (Oxford), Ms. Ind. Ocn. S222

Cloudy & showery.


Walk with Steve pm.

Much speculation about repatriation.

Saw Brown (Cant) bury some stuff so went out after it at 10pm. Failed, got back at 11.30pm. ((Who was Brown, and what had s/he buried?))