Diary pages from this date

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Standing in the cupboard is an aquarium jar two-thirds full of date and ginger jam - looks lovely.  The parcel chocolate, although plain, tastes so milky that it's almost incredible to think there is something better, i.e. milk chocolate.

Had a spoonful of Nestles Milk - absolute heaven!

Washed my hair in cold water, because Mr Allison wouldn't give me any hot water. ((Mr A presided all day long  over a couple of household electric water boilers in the Married Q.  There was always a queue for hot water for tea or whatever.  This morning he told the us the water hadn't quite boiled,   so I said could I have my ration as I didn't need boiling water for washing my hair, but he said I couldn't have water for hair-washing.))

Went visiting for choir members. Betty Aslett says she will come if we have Latin classes.

In evening, to Dr. I. Newton's 'Glimpses into Surgical History' about asepsis.

190,000 Pris’s captured in Lybia. U.S.troops enter Algeria. Burma air attacks unmolested. Russia OK. Jap naval remains left Solomon area.

34 P of W. got away from Kai Tak by aid of guerillas.

Wilcocks & special assignment. ((Is that J L Willcocks, Commissioner of Prisons, or C Willcox, a policeman, or A C Wilcox, an accountant? The special assignment may be explained by tomorrow's diary entry: "Broke out & went to look for revolver"))
