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Today's reported rumour is that Eden is again talking repatriation for us.

Mabel much brighter today. Military Hospital question has arisen again, but I don't think I should go, even if I had the chance, but I mean to read up Home Nursing and First Aid just in case.  Mabel agrees that we wait and see who arrives ((from the Hosp., in case her friends come to Stanley on transfer))

Canteen - we've restocked the larder on Mabel's $17.40.

An American, Mr. Gunn, and seven others, British and Portuguese, are told they can leave the camp tomorrow.


Maryknoll Diary, June 25

Alleged two U.S. planes flew over at noon and dropped pamphlets. Another version of story that Japanese planes went up and dropped reassuring pamphlets. Omar says plane story all hooey, seems was cinema stunt, but rumourists insist.

Finer day.

Repatriation yarn revived.