Good Friday – no bread issued. 9 loaves for 700!!!
Prison main gate “out of bounds”
Baby girl born to Mr & Mrs G.H.A.Morris
Good Friday – no bread issued. 9 loaves for 700!!!
Prison main gate “out of bounds”
Baby girl born to Mr & Mrs G.H.A.Morris
Feeling rotten, and Mum still staying in bed.
Over the past weeks food has got much better. Rumour that we would be sent to Shanghai, but the latest is that consuls and journalists are to go, and that is apparently true. A strong feeling in the camp that the troops have been sent to Formosa. If so, we think the actual implication is good i.e., that the Japs don't expect to hold here.
Feel so tired and weary, keep sighing. Dr Kirk said it is only the diet effects and recommends I take a week's rest. Just now I don't care if I never work at the hospital again. Olive has joined the staff as an extra steno, so that Dorothy and I can have more time off. ((There was of course no pay for any hospital or other work, except that heavy workers got extra rations, and some workers also got some extra food. For Olive and I, it was enough that we were on hospital rations which at that time were so much more varied and interesting than in Married Quarters and other blocks.))
Birth of Barbara Mary Morris to George H. A. Morris and Ida L. Morris.
United Church Services notice:
Good Friday;
Service of Meditation on the Seven Words from the Cross...12 noon - 3 p.m.
Conducted by the Rev. Dr. P. Beaver.
Speakers:- Revs. Wittenbach, Short, Rankin, Bechtel, Alton, Ady & Richards.
(All Worshippers are not expected to remain during the whole of the Service, but it is requested that they will leave only during the singing of one of the hymns.)
Uninterned banker Andrew Leiper and his wife Helen wake up to the anniversary of their engagement. Instead of celebrating, they have to go to the dentist: Helen fractured a filling on a hard object in her rice a couple of days ago, and the pain is agonising. Mr. Iishi, a civilian supervising the liquidation of the bank, arranges for an armed guard to take them to the office of a Chinese dentist trained in America. While there, they meet a polite naval officer who tells them of his reluctance to fight the British.
Birth: China Mail, September 15, 1945, page 3
Church: Jim Shepherd, Silks, Satins, Gold Braid and Monkey Jackets, 1996, 61
Leiper: Andrew Leiper, A Yen For My Thoughts, 1982, 145-146
New passes for Third Nationals to be applied for. All over ten must have passes.
News good if true. Reinforcements landed in Philipines.