ask for help-Where is Chuck-py-wan?

Submitted by LEEJF on Mon, 02/24/2025 - 09:54

Hi ,I recently saw a name of a bay called Chuck-py-wan in a document in 1844,but unable to indentified its Chinese name,though it seems the first character is 赤,and undoubtedly the last one is 湾。Please help!THANKS.

thank you very much,I believe your answer is right  beacuse the detail of  "being a great resort for fishing boats" matches the description in the 1844 document.

I took that quote from the linked document written in 1843/44, so I assume it is the same document, hence why the description is the same.

It looks like a brochure for an exhibition at "The Panorama" in Leicester Square in London, and it's called "A View of the Island and Bay of Hong Kong".

I believe the Panorama was a circular viewing gallery and the view was painted by its proprietor. The text appears to have been written to accompany the painting and act as sort of key to the detail in the painting.

Hope this helps.