"A YOUNG naval cadet named Cecil Rowland Brook Drummond belonging to H.M.S. Undaunted, who had just arrived in Hongkong from the Britannia, died in the Naval Hospital yesterday. Dysentery was the cause of death. The funeral took place at the Happy Valley this afternoon with the usual naval honours."
Source: The China Mail, page 3, 22nd July 1897
“IT is with deep regret that we record the sad death, from dysentery, of Mr. Cecil Rowland Brook Drummond, midshipman of H.M.S. Undaunted, which occurred at the Royal Naval Hospital yesterday afternoon. The deceased, who had only lately arrived on the station, passed out of the Britannia in May last, having passed a very credible examination for which he gained seven months’ sea-time. His loss is deeply deplored by his messmates and all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. The deceased was buried at Happy Valley this afternoon with full naval honours.”
He was buried in Section 18…
He was buried in Section 18 of the Hong Kong Colonial Cemetery on the afternoon of 22nd July 1897.