Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
This course shared the site with the army's rifle range.
An article from 1932 notes:
- The golfers had previously played at the King's Park Golf Course, but in 1923 the Government acquired that land for a recreational park.
- The government offered this site as a replacement, along with a $5,000 grant.
- The new Kowloon Golf Club held their first general meeting in April 1924.
- This new golf course was first opened in December 1924, but only officially opened in
June 1925[should be January 1925, see comment below] when Governor Stubbs played there. - The new club house building opened in June 1932.
- The site was still used as a rifle range, but the two groups didn't clash: "Although the military now use the rifle range to a great extent, usually on week days before noon, they selfom use the range over the week-ends and holidays, ..."
Opening of the New Course
Likely a typo in the 1932 article. The new course of the Kowloon Golf Club was opened on 18 January 1925.
Source: Hong Kong Telegraph 19 January 1925 here, scroll to Page 7.