Sham Shui Po Ferry Pier (2nd generation) [1931-1979]

Submitted by Klaus on Sun, 02/21/2021 - 23:59
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day is approximate.)
Date closed / demolished
(Day & Month are approximate.)

The second generation of the Sham Shui Po Ferry Piers was built at Tung Chau Street off Pei Ho Street (todays Tung Chau Street Park). It commenced service in July 1931 (see comments below).

It was operated by HYF and provided services to Central (likely Queen Victoria Street Pier and Central Vehicular Pier later) as well as Sai Ying Pun (Wilmer Street Ferry Pier).  (Wikipedia reports that the service to Sai Ying Pun stopped in 1979 when the Wilmer Street Pier was destroyed by a typhoon).

In 1979, the pier was closed because of reclamation works and was relocated to Yen Chow Street.

Photos that show this Place


The completion date in 1924 is likely false. The aerial photograph of the vicinity taken in November 1924 (sortie PEGASUS/RN/H/0027, frame 0026) does not show any structure that resembles a pier. It is until the next flight in January 1935 (sortie EAGLE/RN/HK/0003, frame D_0004) that a pier can be positively identified. 

Moreover, there are three drawings dated 19th June, 1929 for the "Construction of R.C. Ferry Piers at Mong Kong Tsui and Sham Shui Po" with a "Contract No. 42 of 1929" in the Hong Kong Government Record Service. I have not accessed the three drawings or tried to locate the contract yet but I believe the first gen second gen pier was in service no earlier than 1929

Tenders were invited for the construction of Sham Shui Po Ferry Pier in April/May 1929. By the end of 1930, construction work was nearly completed except for the roofing over the pier.

The roofing work was completed at the end of June 1931 and the Ferry Co. transferred from the old wooden pier opposite Nan Chang Street (Nam Cheong St)  and commenced a new service from the new pier in July. 


(1) Item 207 in the Report of Public Works for 1930

(2) Item 253 in the Report of Public works for 1931

Additional info for anyone interested: 

19th April, 1929 Hong Kong Government Gazette 1929 (Supplement)
135 Tender invited for Construction of Ferry Piers at Mong Kok Tsui and Samshuipo


No. S. 135 -- It is hereby notified that sealed tenders in triplicate which should be clearly marked "Tender for Construction of Ferry Piers at Mong Kok Tsui and Shamshuipo", will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office until Noon of Monday the 6th day of May, 1929. The work comprises the construction of two piers in reinforced concrete together with approaches thereto. 

  • For form of tender, specification and further particulars apply at this Office. 
  • The Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. 

30th May, 1930 Hong Kong Government Gazette 1930 (Supplement)
222 Tenders invited for Steel Roofs for New Forry Piers at Mong Kok Tsui and Shamshuipo


No. S. 222 -- It is hereby notified that sealed tenders in triplicate which should be clearly marked "Tender for Steel Roofs for New Ferry Piers at Mong Kok Tsui and Shamshuipo", will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office until Noon of Monday the 16th day of June, 1930. The work comprises the supply and erection of the steelwork for the two roofs complete together with the roof covering, etc.

  • No work will be permitted on Sundays.
  • For form of tender, specification and further particulars apply at this Office. 
  • The Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. 

Report of the Director of Public Works for the year 1929
pp. 92 Paragraph 200. Mong Kok Tsui and Shamshuipo Ferry Piers


Working drawings of wrought iron piers were prepared and forwarded to the Crown Agents for the Colonies, who invited tenders for the supply of the Structural ironwork of the piers. Tenderers submitted prices for the supply of structural steel and copper steel alloys. No tender was received for wrought iron materials and the proposal to build the piers in wrought iron was abandoned.

A contract was let on 6th June for the construction of the above piers in reinforced concrete. The contract provides for two piers each 150 feet in length and 50 feet in width with approaches. The approaches are formed by a reclamation extending 100' seaward of the sea wall by about 60' in width, protected by pitched slopes on a rubble foundation. Electric hoists and ramps fixed on the pier will provide facilities for the embarkation and disembarkation of passengers.

The whole of piles, 108 in number, were manufactured at a blockyard at Taikoktsui. At the end of the year, 50 piles had been driven, also the rubble foundations and plinth course were completed.

In November, a contract for the supply of the electric hoists was placed with Messrs. John M. Henderson of Abeerdeen.

Estimates $150,000.00
Expenditure $35,986.77

Report of the Director of Public Works for the year 1930
pp. 103 Paragraph 207. Shamshuipo Ferry Pier


This work was referred to in paragraph 200 of last year's Report.

The above work inclusive of the wiring for the two lift motors was completed except the roofing over of the Ferry Pier. The movable end of the ramps are operated by Electric Hoists installed by Messrs. John M. Henderson. Towards the end of the year, the ramps and hoists were tested under a load of 28 tons and proved satisfactory.

Two navigation lanterns were installed.

Estimates $55,000.00 Total Estimates $135,167.00
Sup. Vote $46,000.00    
Total $101,000.00    
Expenditure $97,698.41 Total Expenditure to 31.12.30 $112,865.41

Report of the Director of Public Works for the year 1931
pp. 40 Paragraph 253. Shamshuipo Ferry Pier


This work was referred to in paragraph 207 of last year's Report. The roofing over of this pier was completed at the end of June and the Ferry Co. transferred from the old wooden pier opposite Nan Chang Street and commenced a service from the new pier in July.

1931 Expenditure $21,158.63
Expenditure to 31st Dec., 1931 $134,024.04

HKRS1171-1 Deposit
Technical Drawings Relating to Port Development

HKRS1171-1-1 File
Port of Hong Kong - Construction of R.C. Ferry Piers at Mong Kong Tsui and Sham Shui Po - General Plan Elevation and Sections of Piers, Contract No. 42 of 1929. Contract Drawing No. 2, 19.6.1929

HKRS1171-1-2 File
Port of Hong Kong - Construction of R.C. Ferry Piers at Mong Kong Tsui and Sham Shui Po – Details of Reinforcement at Hoists, Contract No. 42 of 1929. Contract Drawing No. 5, 19.6.1929

HKRS1171-1-3 File
Port of Hong Kong - Construction of R.C. Ferry Piers at Mong Kong Tsui and Sham Shui Po – Details of Ramps, 19.6.1929